Comment of the Day: “They should charge all of these guys as Adults”

This Comment of the Day comes from a reader, who weighs in on the decision to charge 17-year-old Chavez Tyrek Myers as an adult in the stabbing death of Olijawon Griffin:

They should charge all of these guys as Adults.They aren’t kids,they knew what they were doing.I believe a eye for eye,tooth for a tooth.Olijawon didn’t get ask if he wanted to be stab and be killed.SO these boys shouldn’t have a say so ab out anything.Trial them as Adults and put them jail and throw away the key.R.I.P. Olijawon

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Comment of the Day: “It was a mercy killing to take him out of his misery.”

Caleb gobezie writes in about the deaths of Mesfin Nega and Shimelis Yegazu, both of whom died in August in what police are calling a homicide-suicide.

It was a mercy killing to take him out of his misery. I know them both. They are family friends and we were all sad about it but that was what mesfin wanted. He was so miserable cuz he couldn’t walk move his hands or anything but that was his best friend.

If you knew either man, we invite you to share memories here.

Comment of the Day: “i know my stepdad fought you guys off until he couldnt nomore”

This Comment of the Day comes from Ms Green, who wrote about Carlos Bernard Alexander:

this was my stepdad for for 18 years he taught us alot the day he was killed was the worst day in our lives he didnt deserve to die the way he did he was already having heath problems instead of u letting god take him wen it was his time you guys took his life for some pocket change a car that u wasnt going to be able to keep i know my stepdad fought you guys off until he couldnt nomore that was him a fighter an he stood up for what was right i wish he was still here at times to guide our family throught these tough times but he not an the messed up part is that after he was killed his mom past away a couple of month later an i believe ten & eight years wasnt enough i wish all is well for u guys while ya r in remember u going to come home in years but he not never coming home to us not never love dad

Comment of the Day: “he will never make the trip”

This Comment of the Day comes from Mike, who wrote in about Hayes Osei Dennis.

I am currently Presidential/Goldstar cab driver and have been driving for the past 3 years. During my tenure with Goldstar I had the pleasure to work with “Hayes” and although he would also drive a cab, Goldstar #1, I was able to always discuss mattersRead more

Comment of the Day: “Over a year has gone by and still sad.”

This Comment of the Day comes from Imfocusedman08 who wrote in about Clarence Wilson:

This was my Uncle, so sad to know no one has yet to be brought to justice Read more

Comment of the Day: “I comforted her”

This Comment of the Day comes from Beautiful who wrote in about Antwan Petty. She wrote:

if someone knows when the funeral maybe please let me know. I was on the train today when his mother got the news. I comforted her because she was histerical! We have to do better!

Comment of the Day: June “Grace” Lim Memorial Service

This Comment of the Day is from Peter Lim, who wrote in about June “Grace” Lim:

The memorial service is open to the public.
Saturday, June 23rd3pm-5pm7pm-9pmPumphrey Funeral Home7557 Wisconsin AveBethesda, MD 20814http://obit.pumphreyfuner… In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting donations be made on behalf of June Lim to the National Association of Victim Assistance.We will have a box at the memorial service to accept donations.The funeral home is Metro accessible.

Comment of the Day: “we must join hands to honor her spirit and make this a safer place”

This Comment of the Day comes from kskreetne, who wrote in about Hae Soon Lim, also known as “June” and “Grace.”

broad morning daylight while most of us still slept, needlessly the life of an innocent pillar of the community is snuffed out. the criminals’ profits are not worth the life within, no way to swallow the preying on a peaceful soul who felt safe in this community. i’ll be at the vigil tomorrow at 5. we must join hands to honor her spirit and make this a safer place. RIP June Lim, we do not deserve you, we will never forget you. Love to her husband, son, family, and spirit.

Comment of the Day: “I wish that they would take PCP off the streets”

This Comment of the Day comes from Angelcaldwell48, who wrote in about Amber Kent:

I don’t know her but I would like to say that I’m so sorry for your loss and for your family’s loss. This is one of the saddest stories I have heard in a long time. I wish that they would take PCP off the streets it’s taking ppls. minds and they are not even realizing what their doing when their doing it

Comment of the Day: “make the laws tighter and stricter when dealing with domestic violence”

This Comment of the Day comes from Ms.Right who wrote in regarding Yolanda Stone:

I think the brevity of the comment written on behalf of Ms. Yolanda Stone by the person named Tinkerbell was very well written, and very organized. We as young women, mothers, daughters, aunts, nieces, grandmothers, so on and so fourth have to somehow make the laws tighter and stricter when dealing with domestic violence. For all that matter men as well.Read more