Comment of the Day: “I hope justice is served in the most godly way”

This Comment of the Day comes from “Johndoe” who wrote about Chavez Myers, suspected of stabbing and killing Olijawon Griffin inside the Woodley Park metro station Nov. 17.

Chavez was NEVER involved w the robbing.. Never was at a McDonald’s.. Don’t believe everything you hear in the media..this is no different from a celebrity story as far as believing the media.. A life was lost.. There’s no question on weather mr.griffin is a victim, however Chavez wasn’t aware of why the two groups were fighting.. He was at the metro station waiting for his train.. While communicating w others who were involved w the rubbing.. He was approached by the group.. As far as he Knew The robbery suspects were victims at the time.. Allow god to make any ultimate judgements.. Chavez is a a+ student and a very smart young man..and A very strong protector.. I hope justice is served in the most godly way.. Rip Mr.griffin

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