From Bellevue to Brightwood, Capitol Heights to Dupont Circle, 105 people lost their lives in DC this year to violence.

The count is an uptick from last year’s homicide tally of 92; the increase is generally believed to be a result of the tragic mass-shooting at DC’s Navy Yard in September. Twelve people were killed by a single gunman in that attack.

MPD’s official homicide count, as of Tuesday morning, is 103. That count does not include two deaths which were ruled self-defense. Homicide Watch DC counts those cases because the cause of death listed on the case records is homicide and MPD includes those cases in tallying homicide case closures at the end of the year.

At Homicide Watch DC we know that for families and friends at vigils and in courtrooms, numbers don’t mean much. That’s why we promise to cover every victim, every suspect, every case.

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