My wife loved being at my side,” Albrecht Muth tells Court in Letter

God is great.”

So begins Albrecht Muth‘s latest letter to the court, to be submitted, by his account, into the record on Friday.

In the seven-page handwritten letter, Muth protests the “tenor” of the government’s reply to his claims of military service with the Iraqi Army. He also claims never to have identified himself as an East German spy, a Soviet Spy, a CIA operative, or an Albanian count. And he discusses his relationship with his wife, Viola Drath, whom he is accused of killing.

As of 1986, my wife has been a full and co-equal partner in all my endevors, professional and personal. My wife loved being at my side, for the first time being on the inside of the political diplomatic world, rather than being the journalistic observer on the outside.

In her signed and notarized letters to the superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery, and the Commanding Generagl, Military District of Washington, my wife identifies me as Staff Brigadier General, Iraqi Army. Is the govt implying my wife was conning senior officials of the U.S. Govt to advance her personal purposes, gaining permission for her burial at Arlington? I should hope not.

Muth reiterates his claims to Iraqi military service, telling the court, “I cannot, I’m afraid, go into the sensitive aspects of my world.”

In the letter he indicates his intent to submit three attachments in support of his claims in court Friday and asks to be allowed to wear his “uniform, rank insignia et al” for “trial and during a series of interviews I am granting.”

Note: Albrecht Muth underlined sections of his letter for emphasis. Homicide Watch has bolded those sections for print.

Read the letter below.

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