Self-Defense Claim Rejected in Stabbing Death of Jodie Ward

Felicia Jones was ordered held on probable cause today in the stabbing death of 30-year-old Jodie Ward.

Jones, also 30, has been in custody since Ward was found dead in Jones’ daughter’s bedroom. Ward was face down on the floor with a knife protruding from his ear, MPD Detective Gabriel Truby testified at a preliminary hearing Monday.

Truby said the knife blade was “long and thin, like a kitchen knife” and that the blade was “pretty far in” Ward’s ear.

While in an interview room at MPD’s violent crimes branch, Jones placed a call on her cell phone and stated that she “had to hurt Jodie” and that she had “tried for the throat,” Truby said. But when detectives placed her under arrest and tried to interview Jones further, Jones appeared “confused” and “acted like she didn’t know what was going on,” Truby said.

An autopsy concluded that Ward had PCP in his system at the time of his death. Jones also said in a phone conversation while at MPD that Ward was “flipping out” and breaking things in her house.

Judge William Jackson, however, rejected Jones’ attorney’s claim that the stabbing was in self-defense.

‘I tried for the throat’ has a little more intent than self-defense,” Jackson said.

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